Central Queensland University
Prof Chris Doran
Professor Health EconomicsMr Josh Ariens
Manager, Strategic PartnershipsChurchill Trust
A Churchill Fellowship offers innovative thinkers and researchers the unique opportunity to travel throughout the world to investigate a topic or issue they are passionate about.
This life-changing experience is for anyone who feels they have exhausted alternatives within Australia and would like to see what other countries are doing successfully in a similar field to inspire new ideas, innovation and excellence.
- Travel overseas for 4-8 weeks
- Plan your own itinerary of countries to visit
- Meet and work with global leaders in your field
- Airfares, accommodation, incidentals covered
- Relevant training opportunities considered
- Return as an informed Churchill Fellow
- Impact Australia with your findings
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
Mrs Christine Emmanuel
Executive Manager Intellectual Property and Investment PortfolioConsulting & Implementation Services
Greg is the Managing Director of Consulting & Implementation Services (CIS). His firm is the major provider of consulting support to CRC applications typically supporting about half of all applications with more than half being funded. They have well developed processes and systems for each component of the application including; impact modelling, financial tables and industry engagement.
In addition to their CRC expertise, CIS is a major provider of consulting services to the research and higher education sector where they help secure research income (from both grants and industry partnerships), technology transfer, strategic planning and organisational redesign.
CRC CARE performs research, develops technologies and provides policy guidance for assessing, cleaning up and preventing contamination of soil, water and air.
Our innovative research is divided into four complementary programs:
1. Best Practice Policy: More effective, efficient and certain national policy for assessing and remediating contamination
2. Better Measurement:More accurate, rapid, reliable and cost-effective measurement and assessment
3. Minimising Uncertainty in Risk Assessment: New technology, methods and knowledge for assessing risks to human health and the environment
4. Cleaning Up: Innovative clean-up technologies and a wider range of effective management options.