SciVentures Investments
I am working with Tony Peacock of the CRC-A to help build WA led bids for new CRCs and CRC-Ps. I am very keen to talk to prospective WA bidders - or to bidders from other states who wish to incorporate WA-based R&d capabilities about their involvement while at the CRC conference.
Seedly is an equity crowdfunding platform focused on connecting more Australians to exciting, early stage investment opportunities. We are passionate about helping more Aussie startups and high-growth businesses raise funds that help them grow and succeed, where in the past they have had little access to funding.
Interested in talking to any groups or individuals who also want to see a more dynamic and successful Australian startup ecosystem, whether that be collaborating, partnering or just swapping ideas.
Mr Mark West
CEO and FounderSibelco Australia Ltd
Supplier of minerals to agriculture, mining and construction. We are looking to expand our agriculture business and seek R&D collaborators in that area