CBR Innovation Network

Ms Liz Kobold
Business Ninja 
Your interests
The CBR Innovation Network CBR Innovation Network (CBRIN) supports and promotes innovation in Canberra. CBRIN is uniquely placed to be at the forefront of innovation in Australia, given Canberra’s high concentration of world class education and research institutions, both Territory and Federal Government infrastructure and capable populace. CBRIN is an ACT Territory Government initiative, six world class education and research institutions collaborate as Foundation Members of CBRIN: ANU, UC, UNSW Canberra, Data61, CIT and CSIRO. Thisl partnership of prominent organisations through CBRIN has seen connections and innovation support become available to entrepreneurs, innovators, start-ups, students and established businesses, throughout the Canberra and the ACT._x000D_ _x000D_ High Growth Ambitious SMEs are my key focus, those business who are ambitious to grow to 100M + turnover and change the world. We can work together and in collaboration to support and accelerate your business growth.

Central Queensland University

Prof Chris Doran
Professor Health Economics 
Your interests
Professor of Health Economics with interest in substance abuse (drugs and alcohol), mental health (especially suicide prevention) and community development (especially Indigenous communities). Director of a SME in health economics with a focus on evaluat
Mr Josh Ariens
Manager, Strategic Partnerships 
Your interests
CQU's focus has been to emphasise research with relevance to the region, involving aspects of regional development, growth in resource industries, environmental management, issues associated with quality health care in rural and regional communities, and education delivery specifically through use of modern technology. Our national footprint offers unique value to government and industry partners. Applied research in the fields of agricultural management and marine/coastal restoration, railway engineering and technology, community and disaster resilience, exercise and sports science, mental health, smart systems, health workforce development and resilience, regional economics and learning equity, access and participation.

Churchill Trust Australia

A Churchill Fellowship offers innovative thinkers and researchers the unique opportunity to travel throughout the world to investigate a topic or issue they are passionate about.

This life-changing experience is for anyone who feels they have exhausted alternatives within Australia and would like to see what other countries are doing successfully in a similar field to inspire new ideas, innovation and excellence. 

  • Travel overseas for 4-8 weeks
  • Plan your own itinerary of countries to visit
  • Meet and work with global leaders in your field
  • Airfares, accommodation, incidentals covered
  • Relevant training opportunities considered
  • Return as an informed Churchill Fellow
  • Impact Australia with your findings

Mr Adam Davey
Mr Adam Davey
LinkedIn logo Chief Executive Officer 
Your interests

I look forward to meeting researchers, businesses and innovators to raise awareness of the Churchill Fellowship opportunity and discuss how they can utilise this prestigious award to innovate and collaborate, not only in Australia but on a global scale.

We have a pool of extraordinary Churchill Fellows from industry and community we can connect attendees with where appropriate.

Clarivate Analytics

Mrs Laura Matthews
Senior Business Development Manager 
Your interests
Innovative, collaborative and intelligent impact assessment of research outputs across the innovation lifecycle - from research discovery to commercialisation.


Ms Hailey Cooperrider
Collaboration & Strategy Lead 
Your interests
I am interested in research into collaboration, particularly methods that blend in-person and digital and seek to scale collaboration to large numbers. Same interests in innovation, open innovation. Application of machine learning and artificial intellige
Dr Mark Elliott
Managing Director 
Your interests
Key research and innovation interests are: - Collaboration (methods, theory, technology) - Innovation (methods, esp for software startups as well as "intrepreners" Reasons for others to meet with me: - Organisations needing to increase their col

Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation

Mrs Christine Emmanuel
Executive Manager Intellectual Property and Investment Portfolio 
Your interests
Will fill in details once l login to the meeting system

Consulting & Implementation Services Australia

Greg is the Managing Director of Consulting & Implementation Services (CIS). His firm is the major provider of consulting support to CRC applications typically supporting about half of all applications with more than half being funded.  They have well developed processes and systems for each component of the application including; impact modelling, financial tables and industry engagement. 

In addition to their CRC expertise, CIS is a major provider of consulting services to the research and higher education sector where they help secure research income (from both grants and industry partnerships), technology transfer, strategic planning and organisational redesign.

Mr Greg Spinks
LinkedIn logo Managing Director 
Your interests

Interested in meeting organisations who may want: - Support with future or current CRC applications - Commercialising IP - Participating in or establishing incubators - Attaining industry led research funding and business development training for researchers.

Cooperative Research Centres Association

Dr Tony Peacock
Your interests

Collaborating and networking across a large range of interests. Very happy to talk about getting, running and winding-up a CRC or CRC-P but also have specific interests in biotechnology, advanced manufacturing and conservation.

CRC CARE Australia

CRC CARE performs research, develops technologies and provides policy guidance for assessing, cleaning up and preventing contamination of soil, water and air.

Our innovative research is divided into four complementary programs:

1.    Best Practice Policy: More effective, efficient and certain national policy for assessing and remediating contamination

2.    Better Measurement:More accurate, rapid, reliable and cost-effective measurement and assessment

3.    Minimising Uncertainty in Risk Assessment: New technology, methods and knowledge for assessing risks to human health and the environment

4.    Cleaning Up: Innovative clean-up technologies and a wider range of effective management options.

Prof Ravi Naidu
Managing Director & CEO 
Your interests

Research/innovation interests: contaminated site assessment, management and remediation/clean-up (this encompasses national policies and guidelines, measurement and analysis, risk assessment, and clean-up technologies).

People/organisations to meet with: Environmental consulting professionals/companies; senior state & federal government officials (esp. from EPAs, departments of environment, innovation, industry, science and defence); contaminated site owners (e.g. mining/resources companies; industrial chemical producers; property developers; local/state/federal government).

The above may like to meet with me because CRC CARE is a national leader in developing approaches and technologies for cost effectively managing/remediating contaminated sites and thus unlocking the value of potentially productive real estate. Government officials may also be interested in our policy research, which has influenced national guidelines on the assessment and management of contaminated sites.

CRC for Cell Therapy Manufacturing

Dr Andrew Milligan
Dr Andrew Milligan
LinkedIn logo Manager, Education & Industry Engagement 
Your interests

CTM CRC connects cell biology with advanced materials in a unique approach to address the challenges in regenerative medicine today.